Monday, August 26, 2013

Chocolate Kingdom

Okay it was the 4th day of school... We need a Field Trip! 
One of the many blessings of homeschooling your children. Off to Chocolate Kingdom! 

Theobroma cacao or also known as the Cocoa Tree is what gives us CHOCOLATE! 
Do you know what pollinates a the flower produced on the tree?.... Bees? WRONG! Flies actually do, to be exact a midges is the correct name for these little flies! 
Kerhia was able to old one of the pods which is filled with cocoa beans! 
Did you know you need 300 cocoa beans to make only one pound of Chocolate? WOW! 

Chocolate Kingdom provided with a wonderful interactive tour perfect for the kids!! They have a wonderful cartoon too watch along the tour along with a very energetic tour guide! 

Who doesn't LOVE nice smooth chocolate? Well you can thank this machine; The Melangeur!

.... and now we know how to make the Chocolate shoes! If I have you wondering, I highly suggest touring Chocolate Kingdom! Your Kids and even your adult inner kid will LOVE it! 

Following the tour we all were able to watch our very own chocolate bar creation be prepared before our very own eyes! YUM! The girls loved picking their own custom bar! 

Did you Love it Mia! I think so! 

The Chocolate Kingdom tour was a wonderful kick off to our homeschooling year! I am very thankful the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to home school and enjoy the days we have together! 
But if you're ever in the Kissimmee area, don't forget to check it out! 

Thanks for the FUN day Chocolate Kingdom

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