Monday, August 19, 2013

My Home School Space

Aa: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 

is our memory verse of the week! 

What a blessing it is too start our new schooling year. The curriculum my family has chosen this year:
Sonlight Core A
Hand Writing without Tears
Math U See 
Piano: Music for little Mozarts 

Last night as I was finishing preparing for our first year of home school, I began to feel sad. If only I had a school room how fun that would be. I quickly had to stop myself. How silly of me! The Lord has BLESSED me with everything I need to do his work of raising and schooling my children! I don't need a big room filled with everything I want. I just need a home! Which I pray each day, my children see Christ here.
So friends, if you're invited for dinner don't be surprised if you have a lesson on your colors or asked if you can locate your states! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! You're are a true inspiration and wonderful friend. Thank you for sharing!!!!
