Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kain Alexander Stacy (July 2009)

The death of Kain was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. God had a better and higher plan for him that was too good to be on earth. He was beautiful, so very premature but had the most beautiful features. He looked peaceful and happy as he lay to rest in my arms. He didn't look like a normal baby, he looked to be an angel. My family's angel. His death made me angry, sad and confused. "Why would God take an innocent child from me?" I don't live a sinful life and the things that mean the most to me in life are my children. April 30th, 2009 I lost a part of me. There is not a day that goes by that my son is not on my mind. I miss him more than simple words could ever explain. I wish I would have had a chance at raising my beautiful innocent son.

My children have taught me more than ever. To be strong, to not give up, to love more than I thought possible, to see better in people and to believe.

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