Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pluto is NOT a planet!

Momma may have looked a little frazzled at Mia's 4o'clock dance class today! 
We have the wiggle in our seat all day virus to work on the next few weeks. 
(They're little, they're suppose to wiggle!!) 

Science and history have been big hits in our house the last few days. I'm really considering supplementing a new bible lesson. I don't feel they're getting what I want them to grasp from the Bible storybook that goes along with our sonlight curriculum. I need something a little more hands on for them. They LOVE their bible stories and I want to keep that passion! 

History was the hit in our house today as we learned a little bit about what the 1st people on earth's lifestyles were like. 
I took the time today to hide some sunflower seeds, berries and spinach leaves around the house. I explained to them how the children and adults had to search for food, they couldn't open their fridge! 

So we went on a food search! 

A little Strawberry Balsamic will help the modern day girls eat their spinach!

They seem to learn a little better if their is food involved! hmm.... They're like their mother! 

We also discussed the Solar System a little more in detail today. I had some very excited little girls to hear there "was" a planet named PLUTO! "Just like Mickey's dog?!" 
Then quickly disappointed little ones to discover he is no longer named in our solar system. We now have only 8 planets!

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