Monday, August 26, 2013

Chocolate Kingdom

Okay it was the 4th day of school... We need a Field Trip! 
One of the many blessings of homeschooling your children. Off to Chocolate Kingdom! 

Theobroma cacao or also known as the Cocoa Tree is what gives us CHOCOLATE! 
Do you know what pollinates a the flower produced on the tree?.... Bees? WRONG! Flies actually do, to be exact a midges is the correct name for these little flies! 
Kerhia was able to old one of the pods which is filled with cocoa beans! 
Did you know you need 300 cocoa beans to make only one pound of Chocolate? WOW! 

Chocolate Kingdom provided with a wonderful interactive tour perfect for the kids!! They have a wonderful cartoon too watch along the tour along with a very energetic tour guide! 

Who doesn't LOVE nice smooth chocolate? Well you can thank this machine; The Melangeur!

.... and now we know how to make the Chocolate shoes! If I have you wondering, I highly suggest touring Chocolate Kingdom! Your Kids and even your adult inner kid will LOVE it! 

Following the tour we all were able to watch our very own chocolate bar creation be prepared before our very own eyes! YUM! The girls loved picking their own custom bar! 

Did you Love it Mia! I think so! 

The Chocolate Kingdom tour was a wonderful kick off to our homeschooling year! I am very thankful the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to home school and enjoy the days we have together! 
But if you're ever in the Kissimmee area, don't forget to check it out! 

Thanks for the FUN day Chocolate Kingdom

Let's learn about.. Seasons

Well the down fall of being Florida residents is the lack of season changes! Teaching the seasons was a tad bit of a difficult lesson in our house. "Well when do the leaves fall off our trees?" Lets just say we spent a lot of time discussing the Earth's position to the sun and the equator. After about an hour science lesson we figured it all out and she wants to move up North! She drew the different things that she thinks of during each season. Her artistic ability was gifted to her from her mother. There is not much of it! 
P.S. Spring is rain.. I got yelled out for saying blue skies! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pluto is NOT a planet!

Momma may have looked a little frazzled at Mia's 4o'clock dance class today! 
We have the wiggle in our seat all day virus to work on the next few weeks. 
(They're little, they're suppose to wiggle!!) 

Science and history have been big hits in our house the last few days. I'm really considering supplementing a new bible lesson. I don't feel they're getting what I want them to grasp from the Bible storybook that goes along with our sonlight curriculum. I need something a little more hands on for them. They LOVE their bible stories and I want to keep that passion! 

History was the hit in our house today as we learned a little bit about what the 1st people on earth's lifestyles were like. 
I took the time today to hide some sunflower seeds, berries and spinach leaves around the house. I explained to them how the children and adults had to search for food, they couldn't open their fridge! 

So we went on a food search! 

A little Strawberry Balsamic will help the modern day girls eat their spinach!

They seem to learn a little better if their is food involved! hmm.... They're like their mother! 

We also discussed the Solar System a little more in detail today. I had some very excited little girls to hear there "was" a planet named PLUTO! "Just like Mickey's dog?!" 
Then quickly disappointed little ones to discover he is no longer named in our solar system. We now have only 8 planets!

Hey.. it's the 1st Day!

Woooah! Many routine changes for my sweet ones and they're handling it wonderfully! 
I'll try to share some of the highlights of our days! 

The first day science lesson was about planet EARTH! 


What a wonderful explanation of the the three layers!
 We also were able to spend sometime talking about the other planets and the rotation of the earth to cause Day & Night. 

Overall I think the 1st day of school was a SUCCESS! We had many changes and even implemented a new allowance policy all in one day! 

Thank you Popp-E & Gigi for the wonderful delivery! It meant a lot to us for you to remember our first day at school! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Home School Space

Aa: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 

is our memory verse of the week! 

What a blessing it is too start our new schooling year. The curriculum my family has chosen this year:
Sonlight Core A
Hand Writing without Tears
Math U See 
Piano: Music for little Mozarts 

Last night as I was finishing preparing for our first year of home school, I began to feel sad. If only I had a school room how fun that would be. I quickly had to stop myself. How silly of me! The Lord has BLESSED me with everything I need to do his work of raising and schooling my children! I don't need a big room filled with everything I want. I just need a home! Which I pray each day, my children see Christ here.
So friends, if you're invited for dinner don't be surprised if you have a lesson on your colors or asked if you can locate your states! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kain Alexander Stacy (July 2009)

The death of Kain was the hardest thing I ever had to deal with. God had a better and higher plan for him that was too good to be on earth. He was beautiful, so very premature but had the most beautiful features. He looked peaceful and happy as he lay to rest in my arms. He didn't look like a normal baby, he looked to be an angel. My family's angel. His death made me angry, sad and confused. "Why would God take an innocent child from me?" I don't live a sinful life and the things that mean the most to me in life are my children. April 30th, 2009 I lost a part of me. There is not a day that goes by that my son is not on my mind. I miss him more than simple words could ever explain. I wish I would have had a chance at raising my beautiful innocent son.

My children have taught me more than ever. To be strong, to not give up, to love more than I thought possible, to see better in people and to believe.

Welcome Mia (April 2010)

Mia Alexandria Stacy was born.

6lbs. 0 oz. 19 inches bundle of joy

April 9, 2010

We are excited to welcome a new beautiful little girl into our family. I went into labor April 8th, 2010 (I give credit to red raspberry leaf tea)! I had been having contractions but they were not staying consistent enough to go into L&D. So after some research Corey and I went out to Mother Earth's food to purchase this miracle tea. I did not have too much faith in the tea working to help progress my labor. We went there at 4:30 p.m., then came home to start drinking some tea and were admitted into L&D at 7:00 p.m.! Labor was not an easy one. After 18 1/2 hours, Mia decided that she would go ahead and come out into this world. She is in great health and such a great addition to our family.

The Stacy's in NYC (August 2010)

I love New York City! I love theatre, fashion and culture. You find this all when visiting the big apple. We took a family vacation and this was our first stop. We stayed in a very old hotel which has such an awesome contemporary style to it as well. It was only a block from time square and was located in the theatre district. 
This was Corey's first time ever to NYC. He drove into fearless and didn't believe the "stories" of how crazy busy it is! Let’s just say he was surprised.
Our first day there we went to an amazing restaurant "Babbo's" There is such a difference in real Italian food compared to Olive garden. It was delish! If you ever in NYC, I highly recommend this restaurant! It very simple and elegant, a small location with a beautiful curtain when you walked into the door. Just LOVELY!
Our second day there we were able to catch the ferry over to the statue of liberty. I have always wanted to see it. It was such a beautiful island. We toured the inside of the statue and climbed up to see how beautiful NYC looked. It was breath taking! They have a small museum at the bottom where they have all the history to read. After done touring we just stayed on the island for a little and relaxed under the shade tree and let Kerhia run around. Just what my soul needed!

You would think that we came to NYC to only eat.. well we kind of did.
Our next dinner was at the "The Maze";Gordon Ramsey's restaurant. We ordered the chef's pick for the night which is a five course meal. I can't even explain how good it was! Kerhia enjoyed her butter noodles and we enjoyed a night filled with amazing courses!
On the third day we spent the day shopping. Who goes to NYC without a full day to shop! We also were able to do something very special with the girls. We took them to American girl to purchase their first American Dolls with dinner at American girl to follow. It was such a fun experience. Even at age one Kerhia enjoyed it! They made it so.. GIRLY! They had hair bows to take home as napkin rings and of course they brought out tea for your doll to enjoy as well. I will for sure be taking the girls again when they get older.
That was such a fun trip weekend in New York City with my sweet family. We walked into the subway to only walk right back out to grab a taxi, CRAZY! Hoping we can enjoy the Big City again when the girls are older!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lyla's Birth Plan

After much praying and discussion, Corey and I decided to have a natural homebirth. We decided that hiring Delphine as our midwife and Holly as the birth assistant best fit our needs. We both have completed the Bradley Method of natural childbirth with Holly as our instructor. We are praying that this will be a smooth, life changing experience for not only Corey and I but for Kerhia, Mia and unborn Lyla. By deciding to stay home to give birth we want to remain at all times comfortable, relaxed and as a family unit. Our intentions are to have a peaceful, relaxed at home water birth with the guidance of God and his plan of how he naturally designed my body to give birth.


• My wish is to move around the inside and outside of our home or in and out of the birthing pool
• Unless medically necessary I do not want any internal exams, if need be please do not tell me my dilatation at the time of the exam
• I would appreciate all suggestions on positions and such to help ease the pain or move things along naturally if the labor is not progressing well for some reason
• I want to have candles lit, light music playing and to be in a calm relaxed environment
• I wish to eat or drink when I desire
• I wish to be able to use any herbal remedies, homeopathy, or aromatherapy if desired

Birth Companions

• My husband Corey is to remain with me at all times
• Kerhia and Mia are to be at home at all times unless it causes fear or anxiety for me or them
• My mother Sanya is to attend and give her direct guidance to the needs of Kerhia and Mia. If in a situation where the children cannot handle the environment ,to then take them to her home
• My mother in law Elizabeth is to attend and give her attention to all the needs of me, Corey, Delphine and Holly by assisting with anything that needs done or taken care of
• We do have plans for Diana Wilson to attend to capture the moments with her photography

The Birth

• My desire is to have a water birth
• Corey is to be the one to catch the baby during delivery unless there is an emergency where Delphine will need to do so
• I would like to avoid perineal damage by all means, I am trying to avoid stitches if possible


• I want to be assisted from the birthing tub with baby on chest onto the area I desire to lay
• I want the baby placed immediately on my chest and not removed until she has accomplished the breast crawl
• We would like the the cord to stop pulsating before Corey is asked to cut it
• We do intend on keeping the placenta for Holly to do capsuling
• I do want a rhogam shot

Care for the baby

• To participate in the breast crawl before taking away from chest for any reason unless needed for medical reasons
• Colostrum in the eyes
• We do not want a Vitamin K shot to be given
• No visitors until she is feed, examined and dressed other than of those listed above

Thank you for respecting the wants of Corey and I for the birth of Lyla Elizabeth Stacy.

Alissa's Grape Salad

4 Cups of Grapes
8 oz. Cream Cheese 
1/2 Cup of Sour Cream 
1 tsp. of Vanilla
(Mix Well)

Sprinkle on top:
1/2 Cup of Brown Sugar & Nuts 

Lyla's up to NO good in there!

Wednesday I spent the day over at my mom's house getting it cleaned and ready to be put up for sale. I was having contractions on and off all day. Eventually, they became pretty painful and I went home. I immediately called my midwife and birth assistant. They all arrived to my house around 10:45 and told me to just work with each contraction. As I continued working with them. My water broke in my living room around 11:30. A lot of water came out and my midwife estimated about 200 cc and enough a towel was needed and soaked. I just knew things were going to go fast from there.
As the night went on we decided I was not in active labor. To just go to sleep and we will work more in the morning. I rested really nice and Thursday walked, squatted and all day had leaking of my water. I just was not getting those strong contractions. We did the same thing all day Friday. I took some herbals to help and again nothing. All while this was going on we watched my vitals such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc and kept a close eye on Lyla's heartbeat. We both looked GREAT! I stayed very hydrated and there was no concern for infection because I did not receive any vaginal exams. There is no such thing as a "dry birth" as long as the mother stays hydrated. Home care we believe that after rupture there is no reason to risk getting an infection to check dilation. Which in the hospital setting that is the complete opposite. As Saturday rolled around we were getting close to the 72 hour mark of ruptured membranes and wanted to get some blood work and ultrasound picture taken. Due to it being a holiday weekend we were unable to get into an outpatient facility. We all made the decision to go into the hospital knowing that could mean I lost my home birth plan. I knew that safety of baby and I came over location. I was happy that I had the option to go in and get the help.
 We arrived to the hospital with my birth plan and we were very welcomed by the staff. They called the doctor on call. My midwife and birth assistant stayed with me the whole time! We ordered blood work and an ultrasound. They informed me if the ultrasound showed a low fluid level below 5 I would need to be induced with the use of PIT. We received my results from the blood work first showing my white blood count was a as good as it could be, means no infections. We then received what would determine the route of care the ultrasound results. My fluid level was a 13!!! Her heart rate was great and she looked beautiful!!! My amniotic sac had resealed itself! This is a VERY rare thing. Only about 2.6% of women experience this and most experience this a lot earlier in their pregnancy!! With all the hydrating I did her levels filled back up and she is perfectly fine!! They then sent us home because we are now again a healthy momma and baby waiting on labor to return!

 Here we go again... I am a pregnant momma with a healthy little girl all cozy inside waiting till she is READY!

*** Wrote July 3,2011****

Unforgettable Fear..

After coming across a post online about a terrible mix up in the hospital of two babies and reading other mother's comments on the facebook about it. I had the urge to write a post on it. A lot of the mother's were being rude and nasty on facebook toward these mothers’s who had a hospital birth. I have had two past hospital births. Many of the women were saying "How in the world could a mother not recognize her newborn child?!" 

 I will never forget the fear that I had experienced when having Kerhia. My water broke at 33 weeks and the local hospital is not equipped enough to handle a premature baby if something were to go wrong. So they shipped me out of town to Charleston. I gave over my care to God and the well-educated staff at a larger hospital. Knowing that they would keep us in great care. They decided the best route of care was to slow my labor and to let me lay there for a couple of days to get her closer to be 34 weeks gestation. I agreed and they kept me VERY drugged, is about the best way to say it. I barely even remember the in and out episodes of those days. I can honestly say I had a painless birth! When it came to time to push every doctor in the whole OB department seemed to rush in. It was a mad house, I did not know a single person, I was so tired and medicated, and people were yelling and cutting on machines. It was not a peaceful experience. I then delivered my beautiful 4lb. 6oz. Kerhia Ann. She was breathing on her own and they were able to hand her to me for a brief second before rushing her off to NICU. I was very grateful for the chance to hold her. Though it was not a calm situation while holding her for the first time because everyone and their mother was still in my room. Then two nurses rushed to my side and took her away. I was then told the earliest I could see her is an hour. That was very shocking for me. So I had to lay in my bed not knowing what was going on, where she was or what they were doing. I felt my pride as a mother being snatched right from underneath me. Luckily, my husband , mother and mother in law were all there to make sure she taken care of. As a mother though, I was not allowed too yet.
 Finally, after having Corey bug the nurses they said I was able to go see her. As I make my way down the hall and buzz into the NICU I look around stunned by all the machines, crying and babies without a mother beside their side. My biggest fear was though, I don’t even know where Kerhia is. I have no clue. She was perfectly healthy. Maybe a little smaller than most but I couldn't stop thinking if it wasn't for having Corey by my side and him knowing her location. I would not have at all. I was so medicated and she was swept so quickly from my arms that I couldn't give you all the details.. How does this process make sense? Yes, Kerhia was early and could use the intervention but why is it that they have the same process with normal healthy babies?
 Before, you judge a mother. Stop and think about it. Why are they taken from the only thing they need the most to only be sat alone in this plastic crib for people to glimpse through a window at?

Mia Alexandria's 2nd Birthday

In a blink of an eye sweet Mia Bug is celebrating her 2nd Birthday party! 
She had a HOPPIN" good time! 

We were able to hire Simply Sweet Candy Buffet
She did such a wonderful job with the display & party favors! 

We even had a special guest make his grand appearance! 
Everybody loved starting off their egg hunt...
The Birthday Girl! 

(April 2012)

Lyla's Birth Story

Finally, I had reached a pregnancy where everything was normal and right. I achieved the experience of being an overdue momma who just could not wait to fit in more than one outfit in the middle of July. Emotions of fear, happiness, readiness and exhaustion. This was my first REAL pregnancy. I didn’t have early labor, no premature delivery or anything! My body did what it was supposed to do and I experienced an emotion I had never felt before “belief in my body”! A woman really does not know what she is capable of until she carries a child and gives birth. 
 On Monday July 25th, I spent the day cleaning, packing and crying! I went through every emotion that day. I was angry for it had been a complete month since my father passed, I was two days “overdue” and my mother in law who was helping me pack for our move, packed all my food!! You can honestly say I was an emotional mess! I went through the day in the mood of “Don’t speak to me unless you’re spoken too.” Finally, the sun went down and the girls were in bed. Corey and I for once this week had some actual time to sit down and talk. We had a nice night while he worked on his class work and I sat going through old magazines cutting out recipes that I have a desire to make one day. We had a moment where we could just relax, talk, and spend some calm time together. We talked about what we wanted out of our experience of having a natural at home birth! 

 I climbed into bed knowing I had a morning of rushing around cause I had to be in Athens for a midwife appointment. I laid there thinking about how ready I was to welcome Lyla into this world, I can say I am SICK of being pregnant!! I was in deep sleep until I woke wide-awake at 3:18 a.m. thinking,“ouch, that contraction kinda hurt!” Fell back to sleep to only wake right before my alarm at 6:00 a.m. and I woke with a sure feeling today is the day. I woke Corey to tell him to get up and help me get things going cause I am having the baby. Without questioning me he got out of bed, we started a load of laundry, and I then realized my contractions were two-three minutes apart. I went to the restroom to only find a large amount of bloody show! I called Delphine and Holly to let them know that I was in labor. When getting into the bath to get all cleaned up my water broke. We let both our moms know and they arrived to our house quickly to help with Kerhia and Mia. We continued our morning routine while setting up the birthing tub and working with each contraction.
 We decided to send our moms off to play with the girls. We wanted them to get out of the house a little bit and not worry with me trying to labor. They had a wonderful time out playing and came back home to mommy still laboring. They both went upstairs to nap just like every other day. Everyone relaxed around the house anticipating Lyla’s arrival. I continued to labor in the pool which seemed to be the only relief from the contraction pain. They were very strong and tiring. I became very tired and just wanted the pain to stop. I begged for something STRONG!! Knowing not only was I not going to get something cause I am at home, but if I went into the hospital they would laugh and say you are way too far for anything. I was determined to express my desire for a “PAIN KILLLER”. Delphine then tells me to get out the pool I am not progressing in there and she wants me to try to go to the restroom. All I truly wanted to tell her is “NO” I am not moving, I don’t want do anything and I want this pain to stop. Corey and I then walk up to the bathroom. Within minutes I remember yelling “oh sh*t” she is coming. Not being one too curse, I knew I was ready. Delphine and Holly run upstairs to help. I then stand in the bathroom and push with each urge. Corey was underneath to be the first one to assist with catching Lyla. My mother, Delphine and Holly helping me as I stand there delivering my third little girl. 
As I continued the pushing process, I can remember how wonderful it felt! With only a few strong pushes Lyla was born into the arms of her father at 3:06 p.m. in the bathroom of our house. We did it! That is all I could think about! We accomplished a natural home birth! 

Elizabeth then walked the girls in to see their sister. It was absolute breath taking when Mia realized what had all happened. Thinking she was too young to have an idea, I hear her sweet little voice yelling “Lyla”. 
 The experience of having such a powerful birth was amazing! Having previous medicated hospital births with Kerhia and Mia having a natural home birth was extraordinary. Corey having the opportunity to catch Lyla as she was born and for us to have every second with her in the beginning was worth every bit of the pain. I won’t sugar coat it for you the laboring for 10 hours and the pain of child birth is hard but truly worth every moment. I will never forget that it was Corey who first handed Lyla to me after having her and the fact that a nurse did not rush her away. We accomplished the breast crawl within the first 30 minutes of her being with us. We spent those first moments together as a family how it was meant to be.

Alissa's Honey Rolls

Watching bread rise and having warm fresh bread served with dinner just calls the word "DOMESTIC". I have made many different types of rolls. This one by far wins!
 Adapted from Pastry Affair
Yield rolls
 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 cup barely warm water
1/4 cup honey + 1 tablespoon, divided
 1 teaspoons salt
1 egg
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus extra if necessary
1 tablespoon butter, melted

 In a large mixing bowl, sprinkle the yeast over the warm water and let sit for 5 minutes. Add the honey, salt and egg. Stir until blended. Add 3 cups of flour and mix until the dough comes together. If using a standing mixer, knead the dough with the dough attachment for 5-7 minutes, or until elastic. If not, knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until soft and elastic (about 8 minutes), adding more flour to keep the dough from sticking if necessary. Do not add too much flour! The dough will become more workable the longer you knead. Transfer the kneaded dough to a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and a clean kitchen towel.
 Let the dough rise in a warm area until it doubles in size, about 2 hours. Punch dough down, divide into 12 equal portions, and shape each portion into a round ball. Place in a pan (or on baking sheets) coated lightly with cooking spray. Cover with a kitchen towel and let it rise for another 20 minutes.
 Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In a small bowl, combine the melted butter and 1 tablespoon honey. Brush over the rolls. Bake for 10-13 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve warm or at room temperature.

My sweet tip:
* I have save some melted honey butter to brush again, when they come out of the oven.*

Banana Split Pie

3 C. of Graham cracker crust 
1 stick of butter, melted 
3 C. of confectioners sugar (Powdered) 
1 TBSP. Vanilla 
2, softened sticks of butter
 2 eggs
 4, sliced bananas
 2 C. of sliced strawberries 
2 C. of diced pineapples fresh or canned (drain juice) 
1, 16oz. Cool-Whip 
1 jar maraschino cherries 
1/2 C. of nut of choice, (pecans,almonds??) Chocolate & Carmel drizzled syrup 

 1. In a bowl, incorporate 1 stick of melted butter with the 3 C. of Graham cracker crust, then place into a 9x13 baking dish. Firmly press crust to the bottom of the dish. 
2. Using an electronic mixer combine softened butter with 3 C. of powered sugar, beat for 3 mins, add eggs and vanilla. Beat till well blended (10 mins). Then dish the buttercream on top of the crust, spreading evenly. 3. Place diced bananas, strawberries and pineapple on top of the buttercream. Top the fruit with a container of cool-whip. 
4. Place Cherries and nuts evenly on top. 
Drizzle the dish with chocolate and Carmel syrup! 
5. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours 

Mom Connection Book Review

Why we need rhythm in our lives. As a mom we sometimes forget that there was ever a rhythm. We can however give you the rhythm to the new fresh beat band song we have stuck in our head for hours. Why is it so hard for us to find our own? 
 This book was at first lost in snail mail, then found and made it to the sunshine state of Florida about a month later! Never thought the thing would ever arrive. I jumped with joy for another book to read when my husband brought it in from the mail box. (I'm such a junkie for self help books.) Well the mom life put my book reading on a hold. Finally, I said enough is enough! I am glad that I took a little time to dive into this book after all this time cause God knew I needed to read it when I did. What a blessing! P.S. Isn't it a wonderful thing that he gives us what we need when we need it?! 
 I truly enjoyed this book! Mom connection is an encouraging book for any mother! Tracey Bianchi does a great job at sharing her stories of motherhood to make you not feel alone. Her stories can be filled with laughter, understanding and even disbelief. In the 12 chapters she really hits all the seasons of our life. The relationships with everyone we come in contact with each everyday. The people who make our life and our family. She even puts a big focus on that person we always seem to forget about... our self! If you're a fresh new mom or the "old" mom she gives some great tips on how we can establish wonderful friendships through the crying, cheerio throwing and pile of laundry mess. It's okay to slow down and cherish those moments with our kids, husband, family and friends.

 I know, I know! I am guilty if my house is a mess cause my daughter dropped her cereal bowl off the table, the baby pooped out the diaper, my husband didn't pick his shoes up and all I want is a girlfriend to come over to drink cold coffee with while her kids distract mine for a minute.. I won't call her to come over. I over analyze what she is going to think about this chaos we live in. To actually let her see my kids without the bows and smiles! Yet it's sometimes all this lonely mom heart desires! After reading this motivating book, it helped me realize I can do this. To lighten up and let in those relationships I am missing out on because there might be a dirty sock on my floor or my house might not have the finest china like Susie's! It's okay at the end of the day, they'll step over the sock or even pick it up for me. 
A quote from her book that I will now add to many favorites "I will never, nor should I ever, try to spin another person's hoop; that I'm doing the very best work I know how to each day...". 

 I was given the opportunity through MOPS international to read their book for this years theme. Mom Connection; creating vibrant relationships in the midst of motherhood by Tracey Bianchi. I was given two copies of this great book. I am thankful that God put this book in my hands when he did. So.. if you want a copy for yourself to read, share this review on your blog, facebook, twitter or whatever else is out there these day to have chance to get a free copy! Please comment on this blog post with your first and last name after sharing! 

*What is MOPS?.. MOPS is community of moms just like you! Supporting moms through pregnancy to kindergarten. I am the coordinator of the Suntree-Viera MOPS that meets at Suntree United Methodist. If you have any questions about how you can find a group to join, visit or feel free to email me!*