Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tabitha known as Dorcas 
Acts 9:36-42 

What is a disciple? It is a man or women who are a follower of Christ.
As disciples we are instructed (Matthew 28:19)

A woman full of good works. She made garments. What about us? What are some gifts
we have? Do not think to hard, the lord gave you amazing abilities! Don’t let the world
tell you otherwise!

1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, 1 Timothy 4:11-14
So many other verses on gifts! It so important that we use the gift the Lord 
blessed us with to glorify Christ!

We can see clearly through scripture that others loved her and mourned greatly 
over the loss of a wonderful woman. Dorcas’ life aided their faith in Christ and 
faith in Christ’s miracles through Peter. She was a walking example! 
Are we living a life worth bringing back? 
This life is fleeting, we can take nothing along with us, other than the souls we 
brought to Christ through our works!! This is our purpose! 
What’s something on your gifts that you can do next Wednesday night? Lets do it! Can we make a blanket? Can we paint a painting with a verse? Bring it along! 

Lets work. Be a servant of Christ, live a life worth bringing back! 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pheobe Lesson

I have had a few friends contact me and ask if I could share my studies. After spending time in prayer on the best outlet of doing this, I decided to come back here! I miss blogging, though my old blog is deleted, I transferred a few posts once and called it a day.

Today is Wednesday. I am finalizing my lesson at church for young ladies this evening at church. Our topic this quarter is "Strong women in the New Testament". We often hear many stories about the Old Testament women. My last week lesson was about...
(Romans 16:1-2) 

“I commend unto you Pheobe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:

That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also.”

But why do some people call her a Deaconas?  

In some bible translations we see the word Deacon used in the place of servant. This is because of the Hebrew for the word used diakonos, from the word diakō.  

What does diakō mean?
Persue, follow, press toward 

What does diakonos mean?
to run on errands, an attendant 

Qualifications of a deacon in the bible?

1 Timothy 3:8-13

“Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.

Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.

Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.

For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

And I do not allow a woman to teach nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.

1 Timothy 2:12  

Scripturally we see she could not have been a “Deacon” but was a beautiful servant for the church!

succourer : a person or thing that provides help

She was a HELPER to the men in the congregation and we can be too!

This also proves she was trusted to be a helper and even a helper to Paul, he was assuring them that she was a trusted servant, are you??


Read John 4 this week!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Chocolate Kingdom

Okay it was the 4th day of school... We need a Field Trip! 
One of the many blessings of homeschooling your children. Off to Chocolate Kingdom! 

Theobroma cacao or also known as the Cocoa Tree is what gives us CHOCOLATE! 
Do you know what pollinates a the flower produced on the tree?.... Bees? WRONG! Flies actually do, to be exact a midges is the correct name for these little flies! 
Kerhia was able to old one of the pods which is filled with cocoa beans! 
Did you know you need 300 cocoa beans to make only one pound of Chocolate? WOW! 

Chocolate Kingdom provided with a wonderful interactive tour perfect for the kids!! They have a wonderful cartoon too watch along the tour along with a very energetic tour guide! 

Who doesn't LOVE nice smooth chocolate? Well you can thank this machine; The Melangeur!

.... and now we know how to make the Chocolate shoes! If I have you wondering, I highly suggest touring Chocolate Kingdom! Your Kids and even your adult inner kid will LOVE it! 

Following the tour we all were able to watch our very own chocolate bar creation be prepared before our very own eyes! YUM! The girls loved picking their own custom bar! 

Did you Love it Mia! I think so! 

The Chocolate Kingdom tour was a wonderful kick off to our homeschooling year! I am very thankful the Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to home school and enjoy the days we have together! 
But if you're ever in the Kissimmee area, don't forget to check it out! 

Thanks for the FUN day Chocolate Kingdom

Let's learn about.. Seasons

Well the down fall of being Florida residents is the lack of season changes! Teaching the seasons was a tad bit of a difficult lesson in our house. "Well when do the leaves fall off our trees?" Lets just say we spent a lot of time discussing the Earth's position to the sun and the equator. After about an hour science lesson we figured it all out and she wants to move up North! She drew the different things that she thinks of during each season. Her artistic ability was gifted to her from her mother. There is not much of it! 
P.S. Spring is rain.. I got yelled out for saying blue skies! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pluto is NOT a planet!

Momma may have looked a little frazzled at Mia's 4o'clock dance class today! 
We have the wiggle in our seat all day virus to work on the next few weeks. 
(They're little, they're suppose to wiggle!!) 

Science and history have been big hits in our house the last few days. I'm really considering supplementing a new bible lesson. I don't feel they're getting what I want them to grasp from the Bible storybook that goes along with our sonlight curriculum. I need something a little more hands on for them. They LOVE their bible stories and I want to keep that passion! 

History was the hit in our house today as we learned a little bit about what the 1st people on earth's lifestyles were like. 
I took the time today to hide some sunflower seeds, berries and spinach leaves around the house. I explained to them how the children and adults had to search for food, they couldn't open their fridge! 

So we went on a food search! 

A little Strawberry Balsamic will help the modern day girls eat their spinach!

They seem to learn a little better if their is food involved! hmm.... They're like their mother! 

We also discussed the Solar System a little more in detail today. I had some very excited little girls to hear there "was" a planet named PLUTO! "Just like Mickey's dog?!" 
Then quickly disappointed little ones to discover he is no longer named in our solar system. We now have only 8 planets!

Hey.. it's the 1st Day!

Woooah! Many routine changes for my sweet ones and they're handling it wonderfully! 
I'll try to share some of the highlights of our days! 

The first day science lesson was about planet EARTH! 


What a wonderful explanation of the the three layers!
 We also were able to spend sometime talking about the other planets and the rotation of the earth to cause Day & Night. 

Overall I think the 1st day of school was a SUCCESS! We had many changes and even implemented a new allowance policy all in one day! 

Thank you Popp-E & Gigi for the wonderful delivery! It meant a lot to us for you to remember our first day at school! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Home School Space

Aa: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 

is our memory verse of the week! 

What a blessing it is too start our new schooling year. The curriculum my family has chosen this year:
Sonlight Core A
Hand Writing without Tears
Math U See 
Piano: Music for little Mozarts 

Last night as I was finishing preparing for our first year of home school, I began to feel sad. If only I had a school room how fun that would be. I quickly had to stop myself. How silly of me! The Lord has BLESSED me with everything I need to do his work of raising and schooling my children! I don't need a big room filled with everything I want. I just need a home! Which I pray each day, my children see Christ here.
So friends, if you're invited for dinner don't be surprised if you have a lesson on your colors or asked if you can locate your states!