Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tabitha known as Dorcas 
Acts 9:36-42 

What is a disciple? It is a man or women who are a follower of Christ.
As disciples we are instructed (Matthew 28:19)

A woman full of good works. She made garments. What about us? What are some gifts
we have? Do not think to hard, the lord gave you amazing abilities! Don’t let the world
tell you otherwise!

1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, 1 Timothy 4:11-14
So many other verses on gifts! It so important that we use the gift the Lord 
blessed us with to glorify Christ!

We can see clearly through scripture that others loved her and mourned greatly 
over the loss of a wonderful woman. Dorcas’ life aided their faith in Christ and 
faith in Christ’s miracles through Peter. She was a walking example! 
Are we living a life worth bringing back? 
This life is fleeting, we can take nothing along with us, other than the souls we 
brought to Christ through our works!! This is our purpose! 
What’s something on your gifts that you can do next Wednesday night? Lets do it! Can we make a blanket? Can we paint a painting with a verse? Bring it along! 

Lets work. Be a servant of Christ, live a life worth bringing back!